
Nick Hall, Ph.D.

Nick Hall, Ph.D.

Nick Hall, Ph.D. is a medical scientist, who earned a BS with honors in psychology from the University of Florida, a Ph.D. in neuroscience from the University of Florida College of Medicine and an honorary MD from St. Georges University School of Medicine. He completed post-doctoral training in tumor immunology. The field he helped pioneer is now known as psychoneuroimmunology, and his National Institute of Health-funded discoveries have been published in more than 150 books and scientific journals.

He has conducted groundbreaking studies linking the mind, body and health. This research has been featured by the national and international media, including CBS' 60 Minutes, the BBC's Nova series, and the Emmy Award-winning program Healing and the Mind. He is the author of the bestselling audio series, I Know What To Do, So Why Don't I Do It published by Nightingale-Conant. Nick is also a professional speaker sharing his experiences and his research on the relationship between the mind, emotions and health through keynote speeches and team building events.

His research on stress-related communication patterns in whales was sponsored by the Office of Naval Research, and then by the National Geographic Society when he led an expedition in the West Indies to study whale-stranding behavior. Despite his multi-disciplinary academic background, some unusual opportunities have provided Nick with a deep understanding of how emotions can impact health and performance - not necessarily in the manner predicted by laboratory experiments or textbooks.

In 1968, between working his way through college wrestling alligators and milking rattlesnakes, Nick became the first person to complete the grueling Baja 1000 Off-Road Race on a bicycle. During the summer of 2015, he celebrated the 50th anniversary of his first cross country ride by pedaling the same 1960s vintage 10 speed bike from Oceanside California to St. Augustine Florida. That successful journey spawned more. Since 2015, Nick has cycled more than 10,000 miles across, up and down the USA raising money for Rotary International's campaign to end polio.


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