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The Stress Recovery Effect

Stress. It can harm you or help you. Pull you down or propel you forward. Stress is one of the greatest health challenges of our day. How you handle stress may be the deciding factor of success in your personal and professional life.
While many people endure stress, few take time to teach themselves how to recover. The simple yet powerful techniques in this book and related curriculum will equip you to overcome even the worst stress.
The Stress Recovery Effect shares powerful tools to reduce anxiety, stress less and perform your best. It's offered in a personalized 4 or 6-hour course for your team. The book can be ordered through
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Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life

In Change Your Beliefs, Change Your Life, Dr. Nick Hall shows you how to recognize the impact your beliefs have on your life. The important thing is to know where any given belief comes from and understand how and why you internalized it - especially if it's a belief you want to change.
You also need to recognize those beliefs you've been suppressing or ignoring - beliefs that have become habits or beliefs that are preventing you from getting the most out of your life.
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How To Feel Better

Do you want to be more alert? Do you experience symptoms that have no obvious cause? Discover why countless health problems may have inflammation as a common denominator. This book will provide a clear understanding of how the immune system works and ways you can achieve a state of optimal health.
Heart disease and cancer are also linked with too much immunity in the form of inflammation. But too little immunity can result in infection. This program will provide a clear understanding of how the immune system works and ways you can achieve a state of optimal health.
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I Know How To Lose Weight, So Why Can't I Keep It Off

The brain likes the familiar, and that includes your body weight, even though it may not be healthy. This audiobook, I Know How to Lose Weight so Why Can't I Keep It Off?, describes the biological obstacles that can make it extremely difficult to keep those lost pounds from coming back as your body fights to regain its comfort zone.
Understanding how it all works is the first step in achieving your wellness goals. With this understanding, you'll realize there are ways to take control. Once and for all, you'll learn strategies to keep those pounds off regardless of which weight loss approach you initially employed.
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I Know How to Set Goals, So Why Don't I Achieve Them?

Millions of people set goals every year, only to fall short of achieving them (if they ever begin at all) over and over again. There are scores of audio programs on how to set goals, but few if any that deal what to do when your best laid plans never materialize.
In this cutting-edge program by Dr. Nick Hall, I Know How to Set Goals, So Why Don't I Achieve Them?, you'll learn the latest in neuroscience and psychology on how to make sure you reach every goal you set.
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I Know What to Do, So Why Don't I Do It?

Stop not doing what you know you should do! You might think laziness, lack of willpower, and/or low motivation are to blame for the fact that you aren't achieving your goals. But fascinating research in the field of psychoneuroimmunology has revealed another, far more likely possibility.
The typical excuses for not doing what you know you should are, in fact, manifestations of a complex, interconnected web of psychological, chemical, and neurological factors. But while the biochemistry may be complex, the solutions are actually quite simple. Dr. Nick Hall reveals these solutions - and the fascinating science behind them - in I Know What to Do, So Why Don't I Do It?
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Tune Your Brain

Whether you choose a mostly carbohydrate or protein entrée can impact your sleep, disposition, and mood. Other menu options may actually improve your memory in the wake of stress. Even pain and the symptoms of depression can be better managed by what you eat. In addition, many plants have been long-viewed as having medicinal properties.
Ways to determine if a plant-based remedy is beneficial and the questions you should ask before making a selection are discussed in the segment, Plants That Heal. This scientifically grounded yet pragmatic program will provide you with the necessary understanding to experience a state of optimal mental health.
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Winning the Stress Challenge

Learn the ways stress can trigger illness and sap your motivation. Discover how to counter stress by taking control of emotions. Learn how touch, aromas, and balanced breathing can counter stress. Learn a stress-recovery workout that will train you to automatically overcome stress. Learn techniques for dealing with toxic relationships.